Diverse OT Series

The Diverse OT Series is a passion project that was created to highlight occupational therapists from diverse or minority backgrounds. These occupational therapists are breaking down barriers and accomplishing amazing feats in the field of occupational therapy and simply put: they deserve recognition.

It is important to spotlight these therapists in the effort to increase VISIBILITY of practitioners from minority or underrepresented backgrounds as these populations make up less than 11% of the OT workforce. (AOTA Workforce Survey, 2017).

There is something to be said about the power of seeing yourself represented positively within your profession, in the media, or within society. Research has demonstrated that there can be many positive benefits to minority followers if there are minorities holding leadership positions or represented in a positive light within the media. These portrayals can lead to feelings of increased self-esteem and increase one’s sense of capability.

“Most generally: it’s empowering and important for minorities to have minority leaders to look up to.  They feel supported and understood.” -Fisher.edu

Note: This series was originally created for Instagram and you can view the original series with photos HERE.

**If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else to be featured , please send me a direct email at michelledejesusot@gmail.com.

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